Live Speaking Opportunities


Christian Living Topics:

Comfort in a Crisis – Discusses four ways to comfort one another in a crisis and how God comforts us, including His sweetest comforts

The Friendship Series - Ruth and Naomi, David and Jonathan, Barnabas and Paul, You and Jesus. Great for a weekend retreat! Audrey speaks on the principles of Biblical friendship found in scripture.

The Empty Womb – Audrey shares the wisdom she has found from 30 years of seeking to understand the ‘why’ of her empty quiver. Discover the five Biblical principles of God’s perspective on fertility issues. 

The Questions Jesus Asks – Jesus asks the best questions! Unpack how those questions asked during his ministry apply to you today. 

Living With a Difficult Man – Not all of us drew a saint at the altar. With her husband’s permission, Audrey discusses what she’s learned about navigating the sometimes difficult marriage waters from a Biblical perspective. 

Confessions of a Control Enthusiast – Are you one of those women who has a really big plate and rarely misses a deadline or forgets an appointment? Those type A personalities are a force to be reckoned with! But, what happens when things start falling off the plate, or you’re just someone who was born with a smaller plate? What does the Bible say about time management and priorities? Audrey discusses what she’s learned from scripture in this talk. 

Audrey is an approved Stonecroft Ministry Speaker for the region covering Colorado, Kansas, Wyoming and Nebraska.

Is your retreat or meeting topic not listed above?

Tell Audrey what you’re looking for and let her go to work for you!